Door #3

Have you ever felt, heard or said something like:

 "I can either excel in my career, or prioritize my health, but not both."

"I can either be a great parent, or a valuable employee, and I’m not doing either right now."

"I can speak up with conviction and be labeled too aggressive, or play nice instead, and get walked on."

 This “either or” perspective leaves us feeling stuck, and it makes a lot of sense. When we view a situation as having only one of two options, but neither one feels good, we don’t take action or make a change.

Why? Because neither outcome lights us up or makes us feel empowered and alive. When my clients view a situation as “it’s either this or that”, my ears perk up. It’s such a fun place to look, because we often don’t see that not only is there a 3rd option, but there are numerous perspectives, and most of the time, we’re at choice to create the one that feels most aligned with our values and what we actually want for ourselves.

The next time you find yourself in a stuck "either or" perspective, I encourage you to:

1) Notice it. Awareness is key.

2) Ask yourself, "what's a 3rd option?"

You might be surprised at what you find. I work with clients who want to build that muscle of finding and creating new empowered perspectives. We'll use several tools to help you get there, that you can apply to so many areas of your life. Use this link to schedule a 30-minute call with me to learn more. I'd love to connect!


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