What Keeps Us From Changing?

Have you ever thought- “I really want to make this change in my life/career/physical health, and I know how important it is, but for some reason I can’t get myself to actually make the shift.”? It’s exhausting and frustrating. You probably spend a lot of time thinking about it, believing that you truly want it, but it feels like wasted energy because when it comes down to actually doing the thing, you feel paralyzed. What keeps us from actually making changes on our own?

This might sound weird, but it's the part of you that wants to keep you safe. The voices in our head that want us to stay with the familiar. What’s familiar might even be miserable, and not where you want to be, but it’s known, and therefore it’s less scary. My clients often come to me saying things like “I really do believe this is important, but why am I still not doing it?” I’m here to tell you, it’s not because you don’t actually want it, it’s because we as humans are wired for survival, and those parts of us, the voices in our head, want us to maintain the status quo, because they believe that equals safety. (Lucky for us, we know they’re wrong.)

One thing that gives my clients the strength and ability to finally make a change, is the acknowledgment that the more we’re on the brink of taking a big risk, chasing a dream, or even just trying something new, the louder those voices get. They’re saying “but you don’t know what it’ll be like out there in the big scary world of this new thing, and what if it doesn’t work out? What if you screw it up? What if it goes horribly wrong? You’re probably going to fail.” (Sound familiar?)

The good news is, we also have parts of us that know better, want better, and believe in ourselves. There’s a part of you that’s wise, empowered and strong. As a coach, my job is to help you build awareness around these parts of yourself and realize you’re in choice. We explore what’s possible, and you get to decide who’s driving the bus of your life. I’ve witnessed my clients make incredible transformations as we dive deeper and they continue to learn and practice this skill.

When I decided to take the leap and expand my coaching practice, I had plenty of these voices, and I still do. But every day I get to decide who’s driving the bus, and my passion & joy in life is helping others do that too.

I help people who are tired of spinning their wheels and want to move the needle on some aspect of their life. If you think you could benefit from coaching, and are ready to finally make the damn change but also wise enough to seek help, I would love to connect. If there’s a voice inside saying “something needs to shift”, listen. Pass this along or visit the ‘contact’ page to schedule a free call with me. Consider this your sign!


What is Confidence?